Sunday, 28 June 2015


Learning Motion

Learning motion is the study of the process of involvement in obtaining and refining movement skills (motor skills). Motor skills are very tied to the training and experience of the individual concerned. Learn specific motion is affected by various forms of training, experience, or learning situations in human motion (Amung Ma'mun, 2000: 3).There are three stages in the study of motion (motor learning), namely:a) Stages of CognitiveAt this stage, the task is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the shape of the new motion on the learner. For starters, they do not understand about what, when, and how the motion was carried. Therefore, cognitive ability is dominating this stage.b) Stages of movement (motor)At this stage, the focus is on forming organizations motion patterns that are more effective in generating movement. Usually that must be mastered first time learners in motor learning is the control and consistency stance and confidence.c) Stages automationAt this stage, after the students do a lot of exercise, gradually entered the stage of automation. Here, the motor program is already well developed and can control the motion in a short time. Learners are more into skilled and every movement made more effective and efficient.

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